Analysis of the Relationship between Selected Stability Assessment Indicators on The Example of Leaning out the Human Body from the Upright Position

The objective of this paper is to study the margin of stability when trying to lean out the body forward and backward. The centre of mass of the body, the velocity of the centre of mass and extrapolated centre of mass were calculated for four participants. The analyzed movement was recorded by using BTS Motion Capture system. Recordings, in which participants were unable to return to the upright position, were also observed. In these cases, it was verified the usefulness of extrapolated centre of mass for predicting the foot support area that enables maintaining the body balance. The relationship between the applied stability indicators and anthropometric parameters was determined. The preliminary results obtained confirm the validity of the use of selected parameters in tests and in assessment of the stability of the human body, and indicate the directions of further tests for a larger group of participants and other movement activities